Wednesday, April 14, 2010

story, memories and the reality

story, memories and the reality

Hi Ashraf,
Thanks, the story was interestingly narrated.
It was really invokes good old memories.

Now some facts, this is not criticizing the story but some checks on the fact explained in the story.
Anadhu is coming back after 40 years to the place and expecting or trying to look for the the old village he knows. This is the difficult part of it. The very city where he stayed for these years itself might have changed terribly during this time. Still he can�t anticipate changes to the village(even the change was too much) , this fact is not easily digestible.
I have heared even great writers of Malayalam stating that, the nature which was inspiration for them to write is not there now, and their pen is getting dried up without inspiration/motivation.
It is a cruel fact that the so called �development� is attacking the villages also, and money takes the priority role in things, and the nature is exploited/attacked in possible ways. But do we not have any role to play ?, the hero , Anadhu should have come back to his village much before (atleast after initial! period of struggle at city) , done some interaction with good old people and tried his bit to preserve the nature.
(Longer gap with village to keep his personal priorities, take away his rights to think about a �not changed� village, atleast to some extend)
I still believe our great writers can really play a major role in the attacks happening towards nature, (in villages and cities as well). Here not forgetting the people who already do a honest work for the same .


Click here for the article
-Rajiv, Pattambi,