Sunday, June 24, 2007


Each temple have its on custom and rule. Non beliveving people cannot understand the inner cause of the custom. Goods ones should be protected and bad one can be slowly eliminated. Earlier temple administration was with kingdom and they were promoting temple worshiping. Temple administrator should be temple believer and not a temple destroyer or against priest and temple custom. First remove these administrators from the post including the present devaswam minister. Then these issues will be automatically solved. Hindu pandit should be the supreme chief for devasom. it is like, a scientist or technologist should be the head for any research organsiation, or industries, and not by political leaders.

Whether government can enter church adminsation and related matters in similar way. In church also, similar "punnyaham" ( �Mammodeesa�)is doing, for other religious people. The only difference is that in Hindu system the "punnyaham" is doing in temple premises, and in church they are doing to human being. In Hindu system there is no conversion, so we cannot do their function in our custom. similarly in church there is no idol, so that they have no requirement of "punnyaham". BOTH PLACE PUNNYHAM IS DOING.

Click here for the article
-ram, cochin, india