Wednesday, August 29, 2007

oru kochu viyojana kurippu

oru kochu viyojana kurippu
For a long time, its always hear the same opinion from our outdated leaders that the world has changed. Why we are afraid to change? Who says that the old days are good enough? Just to get one day a 4 nos. of pappadam, shall we starve a one full year? Its pity!!

Again, he says, there is no imagination.WOW.. Making a taste recipe is the matter of his great IMAGINATION? Now our new generation know how effective to be more practical than imaginative on silly issues.. They do not care about the silly emotions, but they want to make the world more BEUTIFUL.. They are not plucking the flower from our courtyard gardens, right, but they are dreaming about one WORLD of GARDENS!! lal salaam

Click here for the article
-lal, Doha, Qatar