1. RAMASETHU rises out of a past that overwhelms the present with its eternal worth and vision. 2. Walk hand in hand across the bridge of the poem, instead of that you are trying to bark even without a tale to hold between your lips or legs. 3. Valmiki is not an anti-marxist nor the sage-poet is pro-BJP. 4. Read the last paragraph of the poem under review at least hundred and eight times and come back with the real meaning. This is the only medicine for your present day malady and not the shit which you wrote. 5. Once upon a time after reading a poem of mine, a man from Al-Khobar barked like you. Are you his brother-in-law? Now he is my friend-in-love. 6. Do not quote the names of VIPs to become a VVIP. Why do you speak through their tongues as if you don�t have one. See the front cover page of Deshabimani Weekly of 26th August 2007 where you can see my name printed as an advertisement for the poem published inside on page 10. Read it thousand and one times and come back with a real Marxist brain. 7. Operation over. Now you need an IQ test. Which is the point that is brought out in the Communist Manifesto and successfully implemented to a large extent in Kerala only? If you send a correct answer to this question within ten minutes of its appearance in puzha, the remuneration due to me from puzha is yours. If you fail, you have to pay me 101 dinars. Other readers can also participate in this contest with the permission of Shri Suviraj Padiyath. 8. I also take this opportunity to love my �rubbish� friend and offer him a piece of wisdom as enumerated below : If you do anything with a single point devotion, transformation is bound to be there. Valmiki is an excellent example out of many. After transformation from an extraordinary entity to an ordinary one, a man can no more speak any ordinary language. He has to create symbols to express the unspeakable truth. Then a bridge is simply not a bridge and will have multidimensional meanings, and that transcedental bridge will haunt you with such a force that an ordinary concrete bridge cannot even dream. To elucidate this point further I quote from Adhyatma Ramayanam written by Ezhuthachhan :
Scene : seaside meeting of Vanaras discussing how to reach Lanka in the absence of a bridge. A Vanara: Friends don�t worry, I am here. I will successfully jump from this side over to the other side. But tell me how can I come back to this side (because there is no bridge) and that is the trouble.
So a bridge is imperative. What is a bridge? A bridge is not a bridge is not a bridge is not a bridge, but a guru � who can be of help for your transformation or mukti if you are innocent and sincerely motivated for finding the truth. If you are in a mode of single point devotion, anything or anybody can become your guru : a dog, a god, a flower, a river, a poem, a neighbour, a revolutionary man, or a piece of shit (which seems to be your favourite; if you have not written that particular word I would have been spared of my time for scribbling such a long and tedious reaction).
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-venunambiar, Dehradun, India