In every reader's mindMirror Scan revolutionise criticism and language. These criticisms were in everyone's mind but cannot express because of fear or lack of argument or lack of media support. Everyone who work in political field do know that the intelluctuals like Sara Joseph were real frods and they have vested interests in their activities. As Mr Sasidharan says, their presence in every agitation dilute it. The protests of locals against Smart City and Vallarppadam projects were good examples. These persons dilute these agitations to formal conventions as Sasidharan says. This is real prostitution. Cell themselves for something. Sasidharan's comparison to this activity is superb. I wonder about his knowledge areas and his minute readings in every subject. I also appreciate It was clear that Puzha didnot interefere in this column and give complete freedom for expression. This is real model of media ethics.
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-Vijayaraghavan, Kalamassery,