Go back to your own 'cut and paste' words. It says Jainism came , then Budhism came etc etc.
FYI- These religions originated from Sanathana Dharma. It didnt originate in any desert or antartica.
There is no race called aryan and dravidian, these were fantasies of some fanatic missionaries
and thrown to dustbin by your own masters (the whites). Grow up, johny. Come out of the missionary shell and see the facts with unbiased mind. Missionary filth and repeated lies would have corrupted lots of minds. But they will realize the truths one day.
If you're in US , please try to tune into Discovery channel's 'Jesus in the himalayas'. This was produced by your own 'masters' of the west and it says the social reformer was influenced by Budhism and its rituals. Oops! This show was banned in India by the fascist bishop mafia. So dont have to blame BJP or kerala congress or Muslim league - the fact is Christianty came from west and converted
the low caste people and plagiarised the hindu traditions. Nowadays even the church is going after yagams, archana, dwaja-sthambams. If missionaries violently converted the poor hindus, today hindusim itself is
peacefully converting Christianity! Of course some 100 years back itself we had great saints who were re-converting converted christians back to their ancestral faith.
(Wikipidea is freely edited by anyone , anytime, so its authenticity is questionable just like your ancestry).
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-Paul, NY,