Pacha kallamOne Johny from NY is spiiting lies, lies and lies here. Probably something he studied in some missionary madrasa. He says before hinduism , it was christianity. in which world is he living.? x-ianity has a history of only 2000 yrs and in kerala it started maybe in 15th or 16th century after the portugese barbarians led by Fracis xavier started his forceful conversions. There was no Thmas visit to kerala , but that was tool for conversions. Johny tries to cut and paste from some missionary website on distorted history. Untruths, fabrications, lies are the forte of evil pathiris. take one simple scenario-If X-ianity has that much of history , then our art forms, culture would all be having that influence. But all christian art forms like margam kali, etc are all plagiarized from hindu art forms. Recently christian even plagiarize the saraswathy vandanam and vidyarambham. It is good to see x-ians following their ancestral traditions now. Only low caste hindus like Pulayas etc got converted, and that too through bribes - free rice, milk powder, comb set etc. Will any educated folk with minimum common sense fall for these intolerant cults best exemplified by fascists like Powathil, Vithayathil etc?
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-Paul, NY,