I didn't know MA Baby was the editor of Puzha.com
This article should have been in Deshabhimani...How much you received for writtinng this chavaru.....Have you read the 7th std book anytime before writting this Chavaru?
Why do you quote the great Nehru and others for supporting the Chavaru book in 7th std?
You think Nehru and Communists are same in the thought process?
Nehru was great whereas Communists are Killers/Criminals.They are trying for cader rule in Kerala like WB but will never work out here.
Now it's 7th std...if no protest against it then next year it would be 8th,9th and 10 std.Bullshitt...
As opposition asked in Assembly how many ministers kids are studying this book?Do you have answer Mr.Editor the communist and son of MA Baby?
Achunni...yopu belong to that criminal group...it's evident from your previous postings..How many communists misnisters in Kerala wrote in their Kid's school Admission registor that they don't have religion...
You are trying to compare the great Sawmi Vivekanadan with the communists Idiots in Kerala...Shame on you man...
If you don't know...yes they can sell communism thru Text books...Text books are intended to teach childre about what's written there...So MA Baby can sell communism...You are telling Communisms is a great ideology...Stupid man...The same Chavaru has failed in Cuba/Vietnam/Russia/Poland and in China soon.
Still you are trying fool Keralites with your ideas abt communism???
Do something productive rather than wasting your time and energy in writting such wastes.
AChunni and Lia are the same as the editors...Members of the same gang...Come on guys..Save Kerala by kicking these Communists Killers ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
Click here for the article
-Rakesh Nair, Mumbai,