Let me put forward my points about communism in general what we see in kerala. ( dont tell me that in theory communism is great! lets discuss what we see.)
1. What are the protection that common workers get because of communism?
In most of the European countries there are strict rules to make sure that there is no employee exploitation, heavy over time wages and so son. What do we have in kerala to protect the employees? do we strictly follow or the labour offices or so called communists govet dare to check the working time of employees? no they dont. They shutdown the whole office for some shit reasons? Is that the communists idea of protecting employees? making them beggers? and then explotiting them to go for party work?
AFAIK the present communists party is biggest exploiters of common man and labourers. They suck their blood, take away their wealth ( Just closing the insutry will do that) an then making them to come to road to hail the communists and then on top of that collecting (pattapirivu) money from them to run some stupind things? Is it exploitation.
Kerala (and bengal ofcourse) communists are the worst communists that some one can see, they are f**#@#( what other word to use) and good for nothing these days.
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-decoy77, Helsinki,