Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Hi Rini,

I am reading a very good story after long time. I am too lazy to put comments for stories that I read. But this one touched my heart so deeply that I wanted to convey it to you. Liked your style very much, simple and straight to the reader. Each sentence convey more than one message to the reader. So poetic lines, filled with so much emotion. The very first sentence itself shows the intense pain the main character is going through. At the same time you suceeded in communicating the desparate situation that led him to make such a decision. In fact every son go through such stuation once in their life and unfortunately many of them are helpless as the main character in the story. Very crisp language, such writing style is not so common in Malayalam.
Congrats and best wishes! keep up the good work

Click here for the article
-Siju, California,