Contructive role in trying times aheadThe US no longer remains as the �paalum thenum ozhukunna caanan desam�, an euphemism for its once extravagant consumerist existence. Analysts provide ample evidence to show that the very foundations of the US way of life are weakening. It is broke from the financial point of view as well as from the philosophical point of view. It�s models on family system, community system and social security system are not working. Even it can no longer afford the expensive higher education system. California State University (CSU), will reduce student enrollment by 20,000 in the next academic year because it has lost $564 million of state funding. Most of the top US Universities are waiting for the 'Foreign University Bill' to be passed by the Indian Parliament to set up campuses in India. The elders among the expatriate Keralites will be slowly awakening to a tectonic shift in the power centres from the West! to India and China during their life time itself. Yes, they have a very constructive role to play in guiding the 'America Born Confused Desi' (ABCD) generation to reinvent their Indian roots in this eventuality.
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-MKD, Bangalore,