Monday, June 24, 2013

Malayali House- observations

Malayali House- observations

Obnoxious is the right word. Had been watching for a week or so. Will never again watch the flirtation with the girl by name----- by that pseudo intellectual called Rahul. I don't consider anyone of them as celebrities. This title is meant for people who are ethical, moral and productive to society. These are white elephants, pest,leeches
living on your and my contribution to the national treasury. I wonder where are those Women empowerment groups those conscience keepers of the women in general. Are they blind deaf or enjoying Malayaaaaaaali House? Why no action being taken against the channel?

Also it is amusing to watch those 13 numbers dabbling in philosophy politics with no understanding of the basic tenets.
Those women folk there can be called a replica of a 'woman' by definition. There is one character who would like to beg for a pair of sandal. Why not ask her "omma, pappa i love you"? She likes to have four wheelers that would suit her changing moods in a state in a country people starve and commit suicide. Incredible lot!

Click here for the article
-kanaka, Panaji,