Monday, May 19, 2008

RE: Commercialisation of Politics

RE: Commercialisation of Politics

"But we see the spirit of Service disappearing before our own eyes"

I do not think politics should be a service (I assume by service you meant working without looking for money). It is similar to any other job where you do your work efficiently and get paid. Every human has a tendency to earn money and grow further.There might be people who does work without looking for money. But as a society we should elect people who are efficient and have good vision to develop our society. I think this is where we lack. We think by heart, not by brain. Infact if you look for service you lack efficiency. And there is no reason why politics should be a service.

whole world is driven by the spirit of profit and

Yes, you are correct. But there is nothing wrong in that. I, you and everybody works for money and pleasure. Working without looking for money is a good philosophy which is not practical in any society for long time. It might get executed for a short term.

Click here for the article
-Dipu, Chicago,