Friday, July 25, 2008



Excellent article.
If people think that the american/european culture is good then its absolute shit. They dont know indian way of living. They think that what u see in India today is what it used to be in India some years back. India was ruled by fucking foriegners for a long time when they thought that Indians are uncivilised and they tried to civilise people by teaching them all non sense and people think that civilisation and culture is directly linked with high rise builidings and entertainement. Dont under estimate people who happily live in India, even before the so called Europeans ( I can not say americans here because they are big zero compared Europeans and their culture). People are happily and peacefully living in India even before the greek, European civilisation started. Only it came out in 1920 when the mohanjadaro and haprappa civilisation was found.

After the long Mughal and British rule what is left is a mass of shit people who wants to learn/study english, the syllabus is full of Eruopean or mughal history, not knowing anything about indian civilisations/culture, a bunch of stupid people who wants to go to US and enjoy their life telling that india is a piece of shit. Thats like u dont know what is India and think that u are in heaven.

Its high time for u guys to see what has happened and what is culture and its values. When people say think about india mostly they will be thinking about corruption, bad politics and so on they are all by produts of European shit and people still follow the same because they think that is superior.

Article is an eye opener. Good to see these kind of articels..

One message to US settleed indians.. if u say that American/Europen cutlure is too evolved and its good u are peice of shit who doesnt have any idea about other civilisations and history go read and learn and then talk shit if u want.


Click here for the article
-decoy, Helsinki,