Monday, August 11, 2008

Reply to Smith

Reply to Smith

Hi Smith,

On your Question of Democracy and Religious fanaticism, Is my understanding right that India is still a Democratic country. Does it become undemocratic, if one political party with extreme religious views are voted to power by the people?

Regarding the Disadvantages of Capitalism. I am not a Champion of the Capitalistic cause, if not for the Human freedom.

i. State of Public health and Public education are ofcourse in a much better state in Capitalistic societies. Compare the two Koreas.

ii. Workers cannot differentiate between an exploitation by the State and the exploitation by the Capitalists. The working class in erstwhile USSR, or modern day China enjoy no special privileges in the system.

iii. Growing unemployment is not as much of a concern in free market economies. In fact, migration of Job seekers from closed economies to open economies is very rampant.

iv. The notion of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer. This has been the traditional slogan of the Communist parties. The fact is class mobility has not been a large concern in the Capitalist societies at all, as much in the rest of the world. Free market societies have not put any control on wealth accumulation, but inspite of that wealth accumulation did not happen. It just increased expenditures, which has resulted in a more dynamic market, where there is no limits to demand, and no control on supplies.

v. My definition of an egalitarian society is not based on income disparities. It is entirely based on equality in opportunities. I would like to be a writer, a film maker, a space or an under water explorer, a painter anything. The fact is free market economies have in fact encouraged such a notion above fiscal status. You could be a man of your choice, and lead a life with dignity. Freedom is what drives opportunities, options and choices, not regulations.

I cannot help it, if you still feel that my understanding of social sciences is peripheral. Whatever I have missed in my learning, I would be glad to learn from you.

Click here for the article
-Jitesh, Seattle,